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Map: aerowalk
zigg1zagg1 18 - 21 Klice

comment by Klice
I was mainly +backing most the match. It worked for a time after I made some advance but after giving up too much RA and stupid decision on my part, Zigg1zagg1 managed to land good shots and climb back. I think there were at least two overtimes, heart attacks provoking game, gg!
Map: monsoon
zigg1zagg1 14 - 7 Klice

comment by Klice
Despite my first impression, it seems I don't know how to play this one. Too much +backing, never there for RA, my few good shots weren't enough to catch up to Zigg1zagg1 who managed to keep control most of the map. gg!
Map: ztndm3
zigg1zagg1 11 - 20 Klice

comment by Klice
I had a good start, some lucky shots and managed to keep the advance for a time. Then Zigg1zagg1 made a comeback and took the lead. I don't remember much else, partly because of the next map. But gg!
Map: bravado
zigg1zagg1 20 - 32 Klice

comment by Klice
Very intense map, only second to aerowalk. A lot of back and forth with, I think, Zigg1zagg1 leading most of the game. Then some lucky spawn and lucky shots allowed me to take the lead once again and I managed to keep it until the end. Very well played, very intense, ggs and gl in the LB!
[wb - Round 3 - Match 2]
submitted: 2017-12-03 12:08:04 by zigg1zagg1
confirmed: 2017-12-03 13:06:44 by beginner
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