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2 - 0
Map: dm2
Creature 5 - 3 apokalypze

comment by Creature
Apokalypze's map. Lead went back and forth but in the end I was luckier with the spawns and it was over.
comment by apokalypze
My map. I started off with giving away the lead and Creature followed that up with a spawnfrag before he parked his ass behind the fence by low rl in some weird defensive play. This should've been an indicator for me of what to do once I had gained the lead. I failed to take notice however and had to fight an uphill battle against bullshit spawnfrags and very defensive play by Creature. The hunt began and I didn't have much problems taking him down in proper fights but in the end there just wasn't enough time to overturn his lead a second time. Enjoyable yet very frustrating game for me.
Map: ztndm3
Creature 32 - 6 apokalypze

comment by Creature
My map. No real trouble here. GGs!
comment by apokalypze
I was disappointed with the outcome of dm2 to say the least and adding to that he chose one of two maps I really don't enjoy playing. Needless to say the motivation was lacking and thus I couldn't even muster putting up a real fight. GGs.
[wb - Round 2 - Match 4]
submitted: 2012-03-09 12:00:46 by Creature
confirmed: 2012-03-09 12:09:46 by VVD
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