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Map: bravadob5
apokalypze 20 - 18 Brown

comment by apokalypze
"inga kenya annars drar jag" - dag
We started off by tossing dm6 in the trash and I let Brown pick his homemap first. To my surprise he picked the stinking turd that is Bravadob5; a map I up until then had about 15-20 minutes of experience on total. As expected it didn't play well but I still managed to get out on top after some vacuum cleaning all over the map. I could lie and say I enjoyed it, it was a gg and so on but then I would be lying through my teeth.
Map: aerowalk
apokalypze 37 - 6 Brown

comment by apokalypze
I took a longshot and chose aerowalk over dm2; something I haven't done in a long time. I ended up with the shittiest of starts but managed to turn the tables eventually. From thereon out, not willing to let him back into the match, I just went full throttle. It paid off and I racked up enough frags to claim a comfortable victory.

Despite his choice of homemap, Brown was a nice guy and I wish him the best of luck in the losers bracket.
[wb - Round 1 - Match 6]
submitted: 2016-03-28 16:18:30 by apokalypze
confirmed: 2016-03-28 16:38:59 by 23y
#1 VVD 2016-03-28 15:11:48
Tossed dm6.
#2 VVD 2016-03-28 17:55:47
Whine-whine-whine... Nice report, apok!
Hope u'll like bravado - it's very same as aero.
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