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zambah disqualified for smurfing
[john - 2015-04-24 22:55:04]
zambah was disqualified from the competition last night after it was clear from his first match that he entered a much lower division than his skillset. Now in his place, Thor*x* shall advance to the next round of the winner's bracket. From watching demos it was clear to our admins that zambah was much more experienced at 1on1 than he had previously indicated via email, having previously refused our invitation to play test matches.
Important information
[john - 2015-04-21 11:52:43]
The tournament has had a good number of signups this year, which means plenty of competition and good games for all divisions, especially so for div0 players who play a best of 5 match in every round.

Players are reminded to please make sure that confirmation screenshots are under 2MB each, otherwise the match report function will not work. You can crop the image, convert to jpg, or do as you see fit just as long as the file size is good. Please also keep track of your next match and ensure that it is played before the deadline.
Tournament started!!!
[VVD - 2015-04-19 17:29:23]

Deadline for WB1 + WB2 in div1/3/5 and for WB1 in div2/4/6 is 2015-04-26!
There are only 6 games in WB1 in div1/3/5.
Thunderdome duel league season 4 signups open - designer(s) needed!
[john - 2015-04-09 17:57:25]
A new season of Thunderdome's duel league is fast approaching. Format is division based and international, which gives players of more similiar skill levels and pings the ability to play more matches. This year we are looking for a quick tournament with around 8 players per division, with each match a bo3. Maps are the usual tb5, with perhaps some more thrown in before the tournament starts.

We are also looking for designers to help out with our front page, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Interested parties should sign up on this website: European section and North American section, or express queries on IRC #Thunderdome.
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Server time: Sat, 01 Jun 2024 10:08:21 +0000 RFC2822